Graduation example: case 3#

In this tutorial, the mesh we start from is already graded and a mesh adaptation algorithm is performed on it. A tag array indicates which cells has to be refined or kept to build the new mesh. We want to modify the tag array to ensure that the new mesh created from this object will be graded. The complete example can be downloaded here: graduation case 3

We start from a mesh refined at a given level and use some criterion to tag a cell to refine it whenever the criterion is true.

The chosen criterion is: if one of the following points \((x, y)\) lies inside a given cell, then this cell has to be refined.

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} x = \sin({at + \delta}) \\ y = \sin({bt} ) \end{cases} \qquad \text{for} \quad t \in [0, 2 \pi].\end{split}\]

For this example, we shall take \(a = 3\), \(b = 2\) and \(\delta = \frac{\pi}{2}\).

Let us start by creating a mesh at level start_level for a 2D domain \([-2, 2] \times [-2, 2]\).

samurai::Box<int, dim> box({-2<<start_level, -2<<start_level},
                            {2<<start_level,  2<<start_level});
samurai::CellArray<dim> ca;

ca[start_level] = {start_level, box};

We first create a box of integers that contains the indices of the domain and then we create the start_level of the samurai::CellArray from this box.

Now, we want to apply our criterion on this mesh to tag the cells to refine when the criterion is true. We shall apply the for_each_cell function to this end.

We create a field named tag attached to the mesh. Again, this field is an array of booleans. If the value is set to true, the correspoding cell must be refined, otherwise, it must be kept .

auto tag = samurai::make_field<bool, 1>("tag", ca);

We initialize all the entries of the field tag to false meaning that all the cells are potentially kept. We apply the criterion on each cell.

samurai::for_each_cell(ca, [&](auto cell)
    auto corner = cell.corner();
    double dx = cell.length;

    std::size_t npoints = 1<<(max_level+4);
    double a = 3, b = 2, delta = M_PI*.5;
    double dt = 2.*M_PI/npoints;
    double t = 0;

    for(std::size_t it = 0; it < npoints; ++it)
        double xc = std::sin(a*t + delta);
        double yc = std::sin(b*t);

        if ((corner[0] < xc) && (corner[0] + dx > xc) &&
            (corner[1] < yc) && (corner[1] + dx > yc))
            tag[cell] = true;
        t += dt;

The samurai::for_each_cell() function takes two parameters: the first one is the samurai::CellArray defining the cells on which we want to apply the algorithm, the second one is a lambda function with a cell parameter. This cell parameter is of type samurai::Cell. We use the method corner() to recover the bottom left point of each cell.

We have tagged the cells and we can now re-create a new mesh from the tag field by creating four new cells if the correspoding value is true. We use samurai::CellList to add new intervals efficiently.

Until now, we have not paid attention to the graduation of the mesh even if the initial mesh was graded since it was made up by only one level.

The figure below gives the result with a start level set to 1 and a maximum level set to 6. As we can observe, this mesh is not graded.


Thus, we have to add a step between the criteria and the creation of the new mesh from a samurai::CellList to ensure the graduation.

Again, the idea is the following: we take the cells of a level l and we translate them in each direction with a stencil of width 1. If the intersection with the cells at the level \(l - 1\) is non-empty and the cell at level l is tagged as to refine, then we have to tag the corresponding cells at level l-1 to be refined as well. We have to start from the largest level in order to “propagate” the tag correctly.

xt::xtensor_fixed<int, xt::xshape<4, dim>> stencil{{1, 1}, {-1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {1, -1}};

for (std::size_t level = ca.max_level(); level > 1; --level)
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < stencil.shape()[0]; ++i)
        auto s = xt::view(stencil, i);
        auto subset = samurai::intersection(samurai::translate(ca[level], s), ca[level - 1]);

        subset([&](const auto& interval, const auto& index)
            auto j_f = index[0];
            auto i_f = interval.even_elements();

            if (i_f.is_valid())
                auto mask = tag(level, i_f  - s[0], j_f - s[1]);
                auto i_c = i_f >> 1;
                auto j_c = j_f >> 1;
                xt::masked_view(tag(level - 1, i_c, j_c), mask) = true;

            i_f = interval.odd_elements();
            if (i_f.is_valid())
                auto mask = tag(level, i_f  - s[0], j_f - s[1]);
                auto i_c = i_f >> 1;
                auto j_c = j_f >> 1;
                xt::masked_view(tag(level - 1, i_c, j_c), mask) = true;

The figure below shows the result of the graduation at the end of the refinement process.
